Our Story

It all began at an unknown mutual friend’s party. The event: Super Bowl 2004. It was love at first sight. You’re probably saying to yourself with an eye roll, “Really? Come on!” but…I promise…it was a match made beyond our control. Days, months, years passed, and we finally realized what the
world had been telling us. November 2013, we got married. In the middle of said whirlwind romance Jimmie started referring to and drawing Erin as his little, tiny bumble bee.

Fast forward to the infamous quarantine…dun…dun…dun. We needed an outdoor activity that we both could enjoy. Jimmie loves being on the golf course and Erin loves riding in the golf cart. She had never picked up a club before June 2020. Jump to a year later and they wanted to celebrate with their very own golf tournament with personalized merchandise.

At that moment, the idea was born! Our love of looking great while playing mediocre golf fueled the decision to create Southern Bee Clothing.

First Round

We are so lucky to be able to share time with friends doing what we love. And...it just happened to be E's birthday!

Don't worry...the other two ordered a hat as soon as we finished. Ha!

Order yours today and send us a pic!